Friday, December 26, 2008

In The News - Trying to Sue the Scientific Method

In the News

An Article over at lists some people who have tried to sue the Scientific Method (and thankfully lost).

If you don't feel like reading the entire article here is a brief synopsis.
The lawsuits include:

1. A lawsuit stating the Large Hadron Collider was going to destroy the Earth by a botanist.

2. A lawsuit against testing to verify if voting machines work by the makers of the voting machines.

3. A lawsuit to redefine pi as a number easier to remember. (I see no problem remembering 3.1415926somethingsomethingsomething)

4. A lawsuit stating that water retained all the medicines that have been diluted in it, no matter how diluted the water was.

5. A lawsuit that vitamins cure AIDS. (you have to check out the picture on the page, it is classic)

6. A lawsuit by scientists against the government to change the status of polar bears from threatened to endangered and a counter-suit by oil and steel companies to get it removed all together.

7. And a lawsuit against NASA for putting a 300 kilogram bullet into a comet which caused changes in the natural balance of the universe. (Best quote from the article "Which was awesome, because not nearly enough space missions are directed by Michael Bay.")

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